Hauppauge HD PVR, capturez la vidéo HD de votre console (ou autre) sur votre ordinateur - commentaires Hauppauge HD PVR, capturez la vidéo HD de votre console (ou autre) sur votre ordinateur 2012-07-17T10:13:27Z http://www.planetenumerique.com/test-et-avis/Hauppauge-HD-PVR-capturez-la-video.html#comment11448 2012-07-17T10:13:27Z <p>@aaronNiGHTSWell, there's only lag when I use the RCA inputs. There's none at all when I use the cpenonmot inputs, so using a cpenonmot splitter wouldn't change anything. But, perhaps a couple of RCA Y splitters could do the trick...!! Thanks for the inspiration !@CatholicPatAs far as streaming goes, I know it has nothing to do with the HD PVR. I will probably blog in greater depth about my streaming setup once I have it in tiptop shape. Basically, I am streaming the HD PVR's preview screen that's displaying on my monitor with another desktop video capture program. This extra step is necessary because I cannot set up my HD PVR directly to the stream. As a result of it though, I can see the HD PVR's preview screen so I know that it looks great ! However, that is not what the stream viewers get to see. The quality must be degrading somewhere else down the line. Hopefully I will be able to figure it out !</p> Hauppauge HD PVR, capturez la vidéo HD de votre console (ou autre) sur votre ordinateur 2011-05-23T17:44:41Z http://www.planetenumerique.com/test-et-avis/Hauppauge-HD-PVR-capturez-la-video.html#comment8845 2011-05-23T17:44:41Z <p>Bonjour.<br class="autobr" /> Est ce que quand on enregistre avec le HD PVR,apres peut-on renvoyer l'image a la télé ?</p> Hauppauge HD PVR, capturez la vidéo HD de votre console (ou autre) sur votre ordinateur 2011-03-01T21:37:03Z http://www.planetenumerique.com/test-et-avis/Hauppauge-HD-PVR-capturez-la-video.html#comment8678 2011-03-01T21:37:03Z <p>Pour Mac, il y a également le boitier elgato Eye TV HD...</p>